Fujimoto Media Laboratory
Toyo University, Tokyo JAPAN
(Prof.TAK Fujimoto Group)

[Japanese version] [Chinese version]
Fujimoto Media Lab | Toyo University, Tokyo JAPAN

Fujimoto Laboratory accepts and respects all genders, religions, races, and ideologies. Everyone will be able to research and learn in a research environment where their roots and policies are guaranteed. At Fujimoto Lab, we guarantee your free and respectful research activities.

We welcome motivated international graduate students. In Fujimoto Laboratory, we develop research combining Information Design and Advanced Informatics. With frontier knowledge and Technology in Information Design field, we will cultivate human resources of creative talent. We are seeking ambitious graduate students who will create laboratories together, and also actively recruiting international students.

About Fujimoto Media Lab

We aim for the integration of Sciences and Arts based on Media Technology + Design + Analysis. we have a wide range of interests in the area. Fujimoto Media Lab in Toyo University focuses on practices, technologies, applications and theories for interaction design and digital creation. Also, computer-aided design and creative activities are one of promising field to make effective support for designers and creators. we are aiming to become top level media studies laboratory in the world.

Our lab will cover a broad set of research topics including, but not limited to, the following :

Information Design, Media Design, Interface Design, Media Studies, Media Analysis, Media Branding, Media Art, Advanced Informatics, System/Smartphone Apps Development.

TEL : +81-49-239-1300
Mail : fujimoto [at.mark] toyo.jp


Information Desiugn, eXtended Intelligence(XI/EI), Bible Media Informatics(BMI), Media Design, Interface Design, Media Studies, Media Analysis, Media Branding, Media Art, Advaned Infomatics, System/Smartphone Apps Development.

Our New Challenge

Important Theme "XI :eXtended Intelligence"
XI is a completely new research field that is attracting attention as a new understanding to solve various issues and problems that are occurring in AI research today. The focus is not on computers that compete with or confront humans, but on how to use intelligent computers and develop systems to "eXtend" human creativity and potential.In XI research, the protagonist is always "human".

Important Theme "AoD :Analog on Digital"
Recently, content and services that merge the digital and the analog together have gathered people’s attention. While every kind of tool and service has been digitized, people are rediscovering functionality provided by analog-like methods or user experiences. In this paper, we demonstrate the design concept and method for producing digital content, which we named “Analog on Digital (AoD)”. AoD is the idea of controlling digital content on devices through analog-like methods, and it is different from the idea of “Internet of Things (IoT)” to control physical tools or machines digitally.

Important Theme "Bible Media Informatics"
Bible Media Informatics is a new research field that uses the latest media technology and computer systems to recreate and help us relive the phenomena depicted in the Bible.Bible Media Informatics aims to combine state-of-the-art media technology with biblical theology. Fujimoto Laboratory is exploring this new field.

Welcome international students

We welcome motivated international graduate students. In Fujimoto Laboratory, we develop research combining Information Design and Advanced Informatics. With frontier knowledge and Technology in Information Design field, we will cultivate human resources of creative talent. We are seeking ambitious graduate students who will create laboratories together, and also actively recruiting international students. We will welcome your access to our laboratory, please contact us.

Please visit more and official information :

Professor TAK Fujimoto, Ph.D
(Full name is Takayuki Fujimoto or 藤本貴之)

(Date of Birth : April 10, 1976) He is a Professor, Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University. In addition to being a scholar, he is a Graphic Designer/Creative Director. He got his Ph.D. from Yamagata University and got his Master degree of Knowledge Science from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and got his Bachelor of Education from Waseda University.
His research is including the area of Computer Science and Information Design, Cultural Studies. He is a member of IEEE, and several others. Certificate in TESOL / Certificate in TEFL

Academic Credentials
  • Ph.D., Information Design, Yamagata University, JAPAN, 2007
  • M.S, Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN, 2003
  • B.A, Education, Waseda University, JAPAN, 2001
Academic and Teaching Experience
  • Professor(Full), Dep.of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University, JAPAN, 2017 to Present
  • Associate Professor, Dep.of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University, JAPAN, 2009 to 2017
  • Associate Professor, Dep.of Computational Science and Engineering, Toyo University, JAPAN, 2008 to 2009
  • Associate Professor, Dep.of Future Development, Sonoda Women’s University, JAPAN, 2006 to 2008
  • Assistant Professor, Dep.of Information Media, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, JAPAN, 2003 to 2006
Research Interests
  • Our research activities include as : Media Studies / Information Design / Media Architecture / Media Design / GroupWare / Interaction Design / Media Analysis, and so on.
Teaching [2008 to Present]
  • Information Media / Visual Media Method / Visual Media Practice / History of Media / Media and Contents

Member [2021-]

Graduates in Fujimoto Lab.
  • Dr.Koji Fujita
    (Associate Professor:Tōyō Eiwa University)
  • Kazuya Murata
    (Research Associate: Kagoshima Women's College)
  • Eigo Ito
    (lecturer:Chuo Computer & Communication College)
  • Dr.Ziran Fan
    (Associate Professor:Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Dr.Shogo Maeda
    (Assistant Professor:Toyo University)
  • Xuezhen Li
    (Assistant Professor:Teikyo Heisei University)
  • Taishi Nemoto
    (Assistant Professor:Public university in Kochi)
  • Miki Sunakawa
    (lecturer:Tokyo Future AI&IT College)
PhD Candidate
  • Nanami Kuwahara(D3)
  • Yuka Kojima(D2)
  • Liu PeiQiao(D2)
  • Wangjie Xu(D1)
Master students
  • Miyu Shioya(M2)
  • Tsubasa Nishijima(M2)
  • Aoi Shimizu(M2)
  • Zhidkov Maxim(M1)
  • Kaito Yamamoto(M1)
  • [2013.3] Eigo Ito(Ms):lecturer, Chuo Computer & Communication College
  • [2013.3] Kazuya Murata(Ms):Research Associate, Tokyo Online University
  • [2013.3] Koji Fujita(Ms/PhD):Assistant Professor, Cyber University, JAPAN
  • [2014.3] Hideaki Hashimoto(Ms)
  • [2015.3] Sari Shinkawa(Ms):Microad inc.
  • [2018.3] Risa Ogawa(Ms):NTT
  • [2018.3] Yosuke Kanai(Ms):Ryomo Systems co.,Ltd.
  • [2018.3] Ziran Fan(Ms/PhD):Assistant Professor, Toyo University.
  • [2018.9] Yui Tanaka(Ms)
  • [2019.3] Taishi Nemoto(Ms/PhD Candidate):Assistant Professor, Kagoshima Women's Junior College
  • [2019.3] Arisa Fujinoki(Ms):Director, Digital Hollywood university
  • [2020.3] Yulana Watanabe(Ms/PhD Candidate):Research Associate, Aoyama Gakuin University
  • [2022.3] Miki Sunakawa(Ms), Lecturer, Tokyo Mirai AI&IT College
  • [2022.3] Chie Shiraishi(Ms), Yahoo,Ltd.
  • [2022.3] Shunsuke Aoki(Ms)
  • [2022.3] Kanata Ito(Ms), The Joyo Bank,Ltd.
  • [2022.3] Tianyu Zhu(MS)
  • [2023.2] Wangjie Xu(Ms)
  • [2023.2] Baikyou Ryuu(Ms)

Prof. Fujimoto’s Media Exposure (TV/Newspaper/Magazine/Radio…)

Academic Award
  1. (2018.11) Taishi Nemoto, “Sponsor Award”, The 15th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging
  2. (2018.7) Arisa Fujinoki, “Honorable Mention Award”, 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics
  3. (2018.7) Yui Tanaka, “Honorable Mention Award”, 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics
  4. (2017.8) Risa Ogawa,”Best Student Paper Award”, 25th International Conference on System Engineering2017
  5. (2017.7) Kazuya Murata,Takayuki Fujimoto, “Best Paper Award”,4th International Conference on Computational Science/ Intelligence & Applied Informatics(CSII2017)
  6. (2017.7) Takayuki Fujimoto, “Recognition and Appreciation of Commitment and Dedication to IEEE/ACIS-CSII2017”, IEEE/ACIS
  7. (2017.7) Risa Ogawa, “Student Best Awards”,4th International Conference on Computational Science/ Intelligence & Applied Informatics(CSII2017), JAPAN,
  8. (2017.7) Ziran Fan, “Student Best Awards”,4th International Conference on Computational Science/ Intelligence & Applied Informatics(CSII2017), JAPAN,
  9. (2015.6) Takayuki Fujimoto, “Recognition and Appreciation of Commitment and Dedication to IEEE/ACIS-ICIS2015”, IEEE/ACIS
  10. (2008) Recognition and Appreciation of Commitment and Dedication to IEEE/ACIS International Workshop, IEEE & ACIS
  11. (2005) Research Encouraging Award, Personal Computer Users’ Application Technology Association
  12. (2005) Japan Library Association, Selected Book in 2005


Art & Design Works


and, Under construction

  1. Tokuro MATSUO, Takanori TERASHIMA and Takayuki FUJIMOTO, “A Researcher Communication Support System”, 2006-187204 (Japan Patent Right), 2006.
  2. Tokuro MATSUO, Takanori TERASHIMA and Takayuki FUJIMOTO, “A Research Support System”, 2006-177235 (Japan Patent Right), 2006.
  3. Tokuro MATSUO, Takayuki FUJIMOTO, “An Online Research/Education Support System”, 2005-156333 (Japan Patent Right), 2005.
  4. Tokuro MATSUO, Takayuki FUJIMOTO, “A Class Organization Support System in Elective Subjects”, 2004-300742 (Japan Patent Right), 2004

Service to the Profession
  • Program Committee:The 3rd International Conference On Applied Informatics and Media Design 2023(AIMD2023)
  • Program Committee:21st IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications(SERA-2023)
  • Program Committee:24th IEEE/ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing(SNPD2022-Winter)
  • Organizing Committee:The 19th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2022)
  • General Chair:The 29th International Conference On Systems Engineering2022(ICSEng2022)
  • Local Arrangement Chair:The 2nd International Conference On Applied Informatics and Media Design 2022(AIMD2022)
  • Organizing Committee:The 18th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2021)
  • Program Committee:The 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering(BCD2021)
  • Program Chair:9th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI AAI 2021)
  • Organizing Committee:The 17th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2020)
  • Program Chair:8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI AAI 2020)
  • Program Chair:7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI AAI 2019)
  • Program Chair:The 1st International Conference On Applied Informatics and Media Design 2019(AIMD2019)
  • Program Chair:4th International Conference on Computational Science/ Intelligence and Applied Informatics(CSII2017)
  • Program Chair:6th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(IIAI AAI 2018)
  • Organizing Committee:The 15th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2017)
  • Organizing Committee:The 13th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2015)
  • Organizing Committee:The 11th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2013)
  • Organizing Committee:The 10th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering(CDVE2012)
  • General Chair:2nd IEEE International Workshop on e-Activity 2008 (IEEE-IWEA 2008)
  • General Chair:1st IEEE International Workshop on e-Activity 2007 (IEEE-IWEA 2007)
…and many others.

Research Grants
  1. (2018-2019) Takayuki Fujimoto (PI),Hoso Bunka Foundation: HBF Grant(Human Studies and Culture)
  2. (2017-2020) Takayuki Fujimoto (PI), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (General Research C), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, JSPS.

Affiliated Societies
  • Regular Member: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Regular Member: Japan Graphic Designers Association(JAGDA)
  • Society for Art and Sceince, Japan